Libraries competition

School children are being asked to design a new mascot for Carmarthenshire libraries.

Prizes of books worth £250 will be given to the school and book vouchers worth £25 to the winning pupil.

All primary schools in the county are invited to take part in the competition which is being launched on March 1 at libraries across Carmarthenshire.

They need to create a character which will represent the library service. It can be drawn or designed.

All entrants must be members of the library service, membership forms will be available in all schools and libraries for any children who want to join.

Carmarthenshire’s education executive board member Cllr Gwynne Wooldridge said: “We hope that this competition will attract more young library members and encourage them to use our libraries more often.

“I look forward to seeing the entries and the winning character.”

The competition is being sponsored by Gomer Press and the winning entry will be chosen by a panel.

The character chosen will then be used as the mascot for all Carmarthenshire libraries and will appear in promotions, on goods, posters and other material.

A costume will be made up, and the mascot will appear at various events around the county.
A Gomer Press spokesman said: “We are happy to sponsor this competition which will hopefully encourage more children to use their local libraries.”

Details of the competition, and how to enter, will be sent to all schools by the end of the month.


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