Llywd: Veteran’s Welfare Must be at Heart of Armed Forces Bill

The UK Armed Forces Bill is due to have its second reading in the Commons on January 10 2011.

Mr Llwyd, who this month received an award for ‘Campaigner of the Year’ for his work in Westminster on securing more recognition for veterans’ welfare needs, has welcomed provisions in the Bill that place a duty on the Defence Secretary to give an annual report on the provisions available to service personnel, former personnel, and their families.

However the Plaid MP, who has published a policy document with key recommendations on improving the aftercare given to veterans, stressed that the Bill will need to be strengthened if it is to live up to the historic opportunity it offers of putting veterans’ rights on the statute book.

Plaid’s Elfyn Llwyd said:

“Plaid Cymru is of course glad to see the UK government beginning to wake up to the severity of problems facing far too many members of the Armed Forces on leaving military life – but this Bill needs to be strengthened to make sure an historic opportunity is not missed and we put veterans’ welfare needs firmly into legislation.

“Earlier this year I called for a separate strategic review to be made into the money spent on personnel leaving the forces and for an integrated support system to be put in place to give advice on and support with housing, employment and debt management.

“A growing number of veterans fall into a vicious circle of problems with drug and alcohol misuse, mental health problems, homelessness, and crime.

“This Bill could provide a wonderful opportunity to put veterans’ welfare at the forefront of the parliamentary agenda – but that will involve many significant changes.

“It is a step in the right direction, but amendments will have to be made to give specific proposals for veterans.

“I will be watching the progress of this Bill very carefully and hope it can be strengthened to make further provisions.”


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