Local authorities working together with WAG and salt suppliers

Tim Peppin, Director of Regeneration and Sustainable Development said:

“The latest returns show that generally authorities are still coping reasonably well in managing their salt stocks. A couple of areas have been highlighted where stocks are running down most quickly and steps have been taken to prioritise deliveries to these areas.”

“All authorities have been encouraged to ensure salt is used efficiently to conserve stocks and WAG has issued updated guidance in relation to trunk roads. Close liaison continues between local authorities, WLGA, WAG and the primary salt suppliers for Wales over deliveries. WAG and a number of authorities have higher levels of resilience that will allow some mutual aid to be provided if it is required. We will be continuing to monitor the situation closely.”

“With the current weather forecasts indicating another spell of snowfall, extreme cold and ice, it is important that everyone takes note of conditions and decides if journeys are really essential. If it is necessary to go out, it is important to be well prepared. Local authorities will be doing all they can to keep roads open but in some circumstances this will not be possible, especially where snowfall is extreme or when temperatures drop to really low levels at which the rock salt ceases to be effective. Rain can also wash away recently spread salt and when this is followed by freezing temperatures this will make driving hazardous.”


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