Look out for your new-look Newsline

Residents across the Caerphilly county borough will receive a copy of their ‘new-look’ Newsline through the letterbox next week.

The popular CCBC newsletter is delivered to every home across the area and features all the latest news and information about the council and its services.

Newsline has been the subject of a recent review and it was agreed to reduce the number of issues produced each year from 10 to 6 in order to help make savings during these tough economic times.

It was also felt that the design of the publication needed a makeover, as the format of the newspaper had changed little since its launch back in 2002.

Leader of Council, Cllr Lindsay Whittle, said, “Newsline provides us with an effective way to communicate with all our residents across the whole county borough. We are keen to continue to deliver the publication, but we are also aware of the tough budget pressure facing us over coming years so we felt it would be appropriate to reduce the number of editions to a bi-monthly format.”

“We hope everyone likes the new style and we would welcome feedback about how we can make the publication even better in the future,” he added.

A number of new features have been introduced into the new-look Newsline including a ‘have your say’ section, an improved events listing, a town centre focus and a feature called ‘setting the record straight’.

The May edition of Newsline will be distributed week commencing Monday 24th May. If you have an comments or questions about Newsline please contact the Editor, Steve Pugh on 01443 864264

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