Machen environmental improvements make the walk to school safer

Environmental improvements in a Caerphilly county borough village have meant that local school children will now have an even safer journey when walking to school.

As part of the Caerphilly StreetPride initiative, council officers worked to widen the walking space available on a pavement next to a busy main road in Machen, by removing the overgrowth that has accumulated over a number of years, which narrowed the pavement considerably.

This relatively small job will make a real difference to school children and other residents who regularly use the footpath.

Cllr Lyn Ackerman, cabinet member for the environment said, “This is just one very small example of the types of work our officers undertake on a daily basis to improve the local environment for our residents.”

She continued, “We really want people to be proud of their local area, which is why we introduced an initiative called Caerphilly StreetPride. This initiative encourages residents to take pride in their community by reporting any environmental concerns they have to us.”

“From fly-tipping to litter, dog fouling to potholes, we want to hear from you if you are experiencing any of these problems in your area”, she concluded.

Caerphilly StreetPride is a scheme that brings together the services that help keep Caerphilly county borough clean, green and safe, and helps keep our streets and neighbourhoods at a standard that promotes pride and community responsibility.

A vast array of issues contribute to Caerphilly StreetPride including, abandoned vehicles, street lighting, street cleansing, damaged kerbs, potholes, road markings and signage, fly-posting, damage to bus shelters/bus stops, pest control, noise nuisance, dead animals on the highway or park, maintenance of roadside verges, blocked drains or gullies, street naming plates, road spillages or obstructions, animal trespass, fly-tipping, littering, dog fouling, graffiti and parks.

Residents can submit a request to Caerphilly StreetPride by calling 01443 866 566 or visiting the StreetPride website.

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