Maintaining the fertility of dairy cows

An event to be held at  Tanycoed Farm, Pentrecwrt, Llandysul SA44 5AS on Wednesday 26 January 2011 will be an opportunity to find out more on the subject of dairy cow fertility. It is suitable for organic and conventional dairy farmers.

Comparison of dairy cow fertility records shows that it is difficult for today’s dairy farmer to maintain conception rates at the levels of ten years ago.  There are many reasons for this, including insufficient energy in the diet and poor observation of cows in oestrus.

Geraint Jones, a Kite Consultant, and Chris Duller of DairyCo will lead the event at David Brooke’s recently converted 80 ha organic dairy farm where he milks 150 black and white all year calving cows. Tanycoed Farm seeks to make best possible use of grass but does feed some concentrate.

Geraint Jones of Kite Consulting believes that there isn’t only one solution to the problem. Effective record keeping has a significant role to play and should be the place to begin when tackling the issue.

He says: “How will the dairy farmer know if his cows are not in calf unless he keeps some basic records? It is only when a baseline has been established and the farm’s figures compared with those of other farmers that he will be able to see what needs sorting out. Only then can you drawn up a route plan of how to deal with the underlying issues, and draft in the most appropriate expertise, such as the nutritionist or practice vet”.

The event is being organized by Organic Centre Wales as part of the Farming Connect Organic Development Programme.

The event starts at 1.30pm with presentations on the farmyard and an opportunity to see the housed cows. There will be refreshments and plenty of opportunity for discussion.  It is free, but you should register with Phil Jones on 01970 622248 to ensure a place and check the arrangements.


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