MCC Engages with Young People on Budget

MonmouthshireMonmouthshire County Council has continued its ground breaking community consultation on the forthcoming budget by running an engagement session specially directed at the county’s young people. 47 young people attended the event, which was organised by Monmouthshire’s Youth Service, in the Shire Hall on Saturday 8th February.

As part of setting the most challenging budget in the county’s history, the council has carried out a range of engagement sessions in the county’s main towns. These took place before and after Christmas and engagement has carried on through the authority’s web site and social media. Young people have attended all the events, but we felt it was important to run an event especially for them, focusing on the issues that would have the most impact on them.

The event was welcomed by the young people. Feedback was encouraging, with 85% of the participants stating that they felt they were listened to and were able to have their say. Comments included:

  • “It’s really good to know our thoughts are valued”
  • “Very good I would like a follow up session to see what the council has decided”

Cllr Phil Murphy, Cabinet member with responsibility for the council’s finances, said:

“We have spoken to communities the length and breadth of the county, but this was one of the most challenging sessions. Forget the negative things that are said about young people. The delegates at this event were interested, engaged and passionate about our county’s future and the role they can play. We learnt an awful lot from them and will be taking their views forward as we face the difficult financial future.”

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