Meet Jimmy Bear and friends – Pre school gymnastics and movement sessions coming soon

‘Jimmy Bear and Friends’ is a new pre school gymnastics and movement programme, which starts in Flintshire on Monday 31 October 2011.

Through structured play, children from the ages of 0 to 3 years old, will be involved in theme-based activities such as ‘the farm’, ‘space’, ‘the seaside’ and many more.

Children will learn basic movement such as rolling, jumping, skipping, and balancing, through dance and song, and using a variety of exciting equipment. The aim of the programme is for children of pre school age to be introduced to sport – and to have fun doing it!

From Monday 31 October, sessions will take place in the following venues (for ages 0 to 3 years):

  • Flint Pavilion – Mondays 9.15am to 10.15 am
  • Deeside Leisure Centre – Tuesdays 9.15am to 10.15 am
  • Mold Sports Centre – Thursdays 9.15am to 10.15 am.

Cost will be £3.50 per session.

For further details contact Julie Rice Williams at Sport Flintshire on 01352 702463.

Photograph: Children enjoying a ‘preview’ of a Jimmy Bear and Friends session

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