MEP to Visit Local Regeneration Projects

MEP Derek Vaughan will visit Powys this week to find out more about the Severn Valley Regeneration Project.

The visit today (February 4) will take in two of the schemes that have benefited from the project, which aims to improve facilities and increase employment opportunities to boost economic prosperity.

During his visit to Powys, Mr Vaughan will visit the Offa’s Dyke Business Park near Welshpool – a new facility designed to attract businesses to the area. He will also view a refurbishment project at the Nags Head in Garthmyl which has received funding to preserve its Built Heritage characteristic.

The Severn Valley Regeneration Project is scheduled to be completed by 2013. Initiatives throughout the Severn Valley will benefit from the £7m scheme which is supported by funding from the European Union Competitiveness Structural Funding, and intended for the purpose of creating employment opportunities in that area.

Ahead of the visit, Councillor Wynne Jones, Powys County Council’s Board Member for Regeneration, said: “We are delighted to welcome Derek Vaughan MEP to the area to see for himself some of the work that is taking place as a result of the Severn Valley Regeneration Project and also discuss future funding opportunities.

“The current programme has enabled us to provide opportunities for job creation which is important in these difficult economic times and I am looking forward also, to discussing with our MEP, the progress of our ongoing initiative to fight for a continuation of European Structural funds availability for East Wales post 2013.”


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