Meredith Offers Caerphilly A Positive Change

Owen Meredith has formally launched his election bid for the Welsh Assembly, pledging to make a positive change for Caerphilly.

Speaking in Caerphilly town centre ahead of the May 5th poll, he said:

“On May 5th, people in Caerphilly have a real choice. A choice between the same old failed politics or taking the chance for a positive change and a new direction.

“Since my selection, I have been listening to Caerphilly and have heard that call for change. I know that you are frustrated by petty party political squabbles and politicians investing their energy in doing each other down, rather than solving problems Caerphilly faces.

“I share that frustration. That is why I have spent this campaign listening to you and have set out my vision for A positive change for the future of Caerphilly – a future where we work together to make Caerphilly a better place to live, to work and to visit for everyone.

“That is what I am standing for in this election.

“To create a positive change in our economy – where we work together to promote Caerphilly as a place to do business and come visit, invest in a skilled workforce, get people into work and support enterprise by slashing business rates and red tape.

“To create a positive change in healthcare – where we reverse Labour and Plaid’s £1bn cut to the NHS in Wales, focusing our resources on delivering better health outcomes, deliver a cancer drugs fund and help older people to stay in their own homes for longer.

“To create a positive change in education – where we give parents and teachers control in the classroom and create a Jobs Trust to help people improve their skills, find new jobs and move from education to employment locally.

“That is the positive change for Caerphilly I am working for. That is the positive choice on May 5th.”

Speaking after the rally, local residents responded to Mr Meredith’s comments:

Louise Hammond, a legal secretary from Bryncenydd said:

“It’s great to see someone offering something positive for Caerphilly.  I’m especially interested in his idea for a Jobs Trust, we certainly need a new approach to bring jobs to Caerphilly.”

Rita Lukins from Caerphilly commented:

“It is nice to see a politician setting out their vision for Caerphilly and taking about what they would do rather than what their opponents are doing.  Owen has an energy and enthusiasm that Caerphilly could benefit from.”

Photograph: Conservative Team join Owen to launch his campaign

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