Mike German: WAG awareness plan not FIT for purpose

Welsh Liberal Democrat spokesperson on the Environment and Sustainability, Mike German AM, welcomes the introduction of Feed in Tariffs but says the scheme should have been adopted far sooner and the Welsh Government must give a bigger push to raise awareness of the support available, if individuals and businesses across Wales are to be encouraged to install renewable energy systems at home or at work.

The Welsh Assembly Government has announced that it will be working with stakeholders in Wales including the Energy Saving Trust and the Carbon Trust, to encourage the take up of renewable energy financial incentives following the launch of the Feed in Tariffs (FITs) in April 2010.

Commenting on the announcement, Mike German AM states:

“I welcome the introduction of Feed in Tariffs which will encourage businesses and individuals to install renewable energy systems, helping to reduce our emissions and save money.  However, it is disappointing that it has taken the UK Government so long to introduce this scheme.

“Feed in Tariffs are recognised as the most efficient and effective form of support for promoting renewable energy and in 2009 sixty-three countries across the World had adopted a Feed in Tariff scheme, leaving the UK lagging far behind in terms of our renewable energy capacity.

“Given the high cost of installing renewable energy systems, financial incentives are vital to make it affordable and accessible.  I am concerned that the Feed in Tariff rates for smaller producers are too low, people need to get a return on their investment within a reasonable number of years otherwise the financial incentive will not work.

“Demand for renewable energy systems will be greatly increased by the introduction of Feed in Tariffs so we must ensure that we have the skills and capacity in Wales to manufacture and install renewable technologies, so that the jobs and investment that will be created by this scheme are not lost over the border or abroad.

“The proposed public information programme will be helpful, but a few meetings will not be enough.  We need more action to raise awareness of the scheme so that individuals and businesses know what support is available.  The scheme must be well advertised using all forms of media available if we are to see a swift take up and rapidly increase renewable energy production across the country.”

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