Millar: Assembly rebranding costs “frivolous”

Welsh Conservatives have learned that the Assembly Commission spent over £100,000 on Assembly branded materials in the last 2 years.

Figures obtained by Shadow Minister for Local Government Darren Millar AM reveal that in 2008-09, the total spend on branding and consequent publication requirements was £79,805, including £28,525 for the creation and development of a new brand to be used across the Assembly.

The figures also detail that a further £22,000 was spent from the 2009-2010 budget on new materials and resources to reflect the brand change.

Commenting on the figures, Mr Millar said:

“These figures show yet more frivolous expenditure by the Assembly Commission.

“I am staggered that nearly £30,000 was paid to a professional design agency on rebranding when the new logos and associated branding are very similar to the old design.

“While I do not dispute that the Assembly should have an identifiable brand, this level of spending during what was and continues to be a highly challenging time economically is deeply regrettable.

“The Assembly Commission’s spending is out of control. It must be held accountable for the vast amounts of tax payers’ money it is wasting.”


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