Millar: Call for PIP implant advice & costs to be published

Welsh Conservatives today called on the Welsh Government to publish the medical advice it has received regarding the removal of PIP breast implants, along with the projected costs of removal and replacement for all patients.

Yesterday the Health Minister said not replacing the implants could put women at unnecessary risk. Reporting to the UK Government last week, an expert group – which included some of the foremost authorities in plastic surgery – concluded there was no significant increased clinical risk in cases where implants are not replaced.

Shadow Minister for Health, Darren Millar AM, said:

“If the Welsh Government has advice that differs from the conclusions of Sir Bruce Keogh’s expert group, it should be published immediately. Any such advice would be in the public interest and should not be kept behind closed doors.

“Estimated costs of the government’s announcement should also be made public. We need to know how much public money will be spent on this – and if other patients could find themselves losing out.

“Based on the only advice published so far, I firmly believe private clinics have a duty of care to their patients on this issue. Taxpayers should not needlessly foot the bill for such treatment, unless it is required on clinical grounds.”


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