Millar: Older people have rights too

Clwyd West AM Darren Millar is calling on the Welsh Government to enshrine rights for older people into Welsh law.

Last year, the Assembly legislated to enshrine the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child into Welsh law, forcing Ministers to pay regard to children’s rights when making decisions.

Although Wales has the highest proportion of older people in the UK, with almost one in four people over the age of 60, and the worst rate of elder abuse in the UK, no such legislation exists to recognise the rights of older people.

Speaking in a short debate in the Senedd yesterday afternoon, Darren called upon the Welsh Government to bring forward legislation on the Rights of Older People to incorporate the United Nation Principles for Older Persons into Welsh law.

Darren said:

“Whether it’s in terms of their economic contribution, their volunteering or the hours of childcare provided by grandparents, older people make a huge and positive contribution to Wales.

“Welsh Ministers already have a duty to pay regard to the rights of children and young people when making decisions, a similar duty should exist when it comes to the rights of older people.

“An estimated that 39,000 older people in Wales are abused in their own home and there has been some appalling evidence relating to a lack of dignity and basic care for the elderly in our hospitals. Legislation on the rights of older people could go some way to addressing these issues.”

The Older People’s Commissioner for Wales, Ruth Marks, has given her support to Darren’s proposals.

Darren said:

“I welcome the support of the Older People’s Commissioner, and other organisations such as Age Alliance Wales, the WRVS and Age Cymru. Such a coalition of of support highlights the pressing need for legislation on this issue and I urge the Welsh Government to act now to deliver it.”


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