Millar: Report reveals perilous state of Welsh NHS

Commenting on the publication of ‘The Best Configuration of Hospital Services for Wales’, an assessment of the options for centralisation in the Welsh NHS, Darren Millar AM, Shadow Minister for Health, said:

“This report sets out the perilous state of the Welsh NHS facing a crippling mix of increasing demand and budgetary constraints.

“It shows a worrying outlook for district general hospitals particularly in rural areas.

“Welsh Conservatives believe in local health services for local people.  Patients should not have to travel further for life-saving care.

“Local Health Boards are being forced to consider major restructuring and downgrades to vital services because of the record-breaking cuts Labour is imposing on our NHS.

“This year, the Welsh NHS is facing the deepest cuts in its history at the hands of Carwyn Jones’ Government.

“It is disappointing that this report was not published sooner and that Labour Ministers were not open with voters about their desire to centralise NHS services in advance of last week’s elections.

“Labour Ministers need to come clean on their downgrade plans, start an open and transparent consultation and listen to the views of patients and NHS staff.”


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