Millar Shows Support for School Based Cadet Forces

Darren Millar with cadets at St Brigid's School in Denbigh

Darren Millar with cadets at St Brigid’s School in Denbigh

Clwyd West AM Darren Millar has called for Welsh Government support for the establishment of more Combined Cadet Forces in Welsh secondary schools.
Combined Cadet Forces provide a range of activities and vocational learning in schools, with pupils gaining qualifications and skills as they participate.

They are currently operating in a small number of schools,  including St Brigid’s School in Denbigh.

Questioning the Education Minister in the Senedd last week, Darren said:

“I know of your personal commitment to cadet vocational qualifications. You will be aware that a number of schools across Wales operate cadet schemes. I just wondered what other additional support you might be able to make available as a Welsh Government to expand the number of schools involved in operating cadet schemes so that other individuals and pupils, particularly those who are disengaged from learning, can have an opportunity to achieve qualifications through the benefits that cadet vocational qualifications can bring.”

Darren added:

“”Combined Cadet Forces have a huge contribution to make to secondary schools in Wales and it is disappointing that we don’t have many more.

“As well as gaining valuable qualifications, young people participating in these schemes learn discipline, leadership and team working skills which are of benefit to them throughout their lives.

“More pupils deserve the opportunity to join a school based Cadet Force and the Welsh Government should do more to work closely with the armed forces to develop groups in more secondary schools across the country.”


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