Millar: Tackling Scams and Cold Calling

Darren_MillarSpeaking ahead of a debate he will lead in the National Assembly today on protecting older people from scams and doorstep crime, Darren Millar AM, Shadow Minister for Older People, said:

“Too many vulnerable people in Wales are falling victim on a daily basis to phone, doorstep and internet scams, which aim to make money through deceit and intimidation.

“As well as robbing elderly and vulnerable people of their lifesavings, scams can cause considerable distress and severely limit someone’s quality of life.

“While the public should be encouraged to report scammers to the police, there is also scope for government to intervene to make it easier to introduce ‘no cold calling zones’, which protect people from the scourge of scammers and unwanted sales calls.

“The Welsh Labour Government should engage with the relevant authorities and older people’s charities to identify ways to promote ‘no cold calling zones’ and help prevent a malicious minority preying on the most vulnerable in society.”

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