Millar: U-turn on community transport

Clwyd West AM Darren Millar has welcomed a Welsh Government U-turn over community transport cuts.

Community transport schemes provide invaluable services to many rural and elderly residents, who would otherwise be isolated. In a minor reprieve for remote bus users community transport funding will now continue for the time being.

Only earlier this month, Darren expressed concern over the large cuts to the local transport subsidy proposed by Welsh Labour, and the impact that this would have on rural bus services to older people.

Commenting on the U-turn Darren said:

“I am pleased that the Transport Minister has decided to continue funding for community transport schemes.

“Public transport provision has had a few funding bombshells to deal with recently – and it is isolated, elderly users who are set to lose out.

“With local authorities facing surprise large cuts we may see vulnerable users relying more heavily on community transport – particularly in rural areas.

“What community transport users need now is certainty in the future of their services. I hope the Transport Minister can provide that as soon as possible.”


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