Mini bins make a big impression

As part of the Welsh Assembly Government supported Tidy Towns project, the Vale of Glamorgan Council’s enforcement team has been distributing free reusable pocket sized mini bins to Vale residents, visitors and local retailers this autumn.

The dual purpose mini bin is approximately three square inches in size and provides a safe and clean solution for the disposal of cigarette butts, chewing gum and more.

Vale of Glamorgan Council enforcement officer, Steve Abdulla said: “Our pocket sized mini bins allow the user, once they’ve finished a cigarette, to pop it in their personal mini bin, close the flap to extinguish it and put the mini bin conveniently back in their pocket, purse or handbag. Equally they are just as useful for placing chewed gum in. Once full, they can be conveniently emptied and reused.”

The enforcement team has been distributing mini bins throughout town centres to high street retailers, local pubs, restaurants and other small businesses. The aim is to raise awareness of what we do with our litter – specifically in this instance with gum and cigarettes.

Steve added: “It is an offence to litter. In the Vale, if you are caught, a minimum fine of £75 will be issued.”

Head of visible services, Miles Punter, said: “Our mini bins are being really well received by local businesses and smokers alike. They offer the public a chance to make responsible choices about how they dispose of their cigarette butts and gum, regardless of whether they are near a bin or not. Hopefully with increased awareness, this initiative (coupled with on-going campaigns) will start to make a real visible difference to our streets and encourage people to take their litter home or find the nearest public bin.”

Regrettably the council cannot post out mini bins, however if you are a retailer and would like to receive a visit from the team please contact us. Supplies are limited and the team will distribute them on a first come, first served basis.

For more information on the Vale of Glamorgan Council’s waste management and cleansing work you may wish to visit, email [email protected], telephone 01446 700111, or get up to date news, information and leave feedback on our Twitter feed at

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