Mini-motos and Go-Peds are not toys

North Wales Police are warning parents that they could get more than they bargained for if they buy their children a Mini-Moto or Go-Ped for Christmas.

Mini-motos are miniature, petrol-driven motorcycles and scooters and have become a popular item on youngsters’ wish lists over the past few years.

Many people are unaware of the legalities regarding the use of Mini-Motos or Go-Peds and officers are issuing the following advice:

  • Virtually all Mini Motos/Go Peds CANNOT be legally ridden on a road or public place
  • You CANNOT get insurance for them.
  • You will probably break several laws if you use these machines especially in a public place e.g. Road Traffic, Environmental, Anti Social Behaviour as well as contravene Tenancy Agreements.
  • You CAN ride them on private land WITH PERMISSION of the land owner which in some cases will be the local authority, BUT the environmental health authorities may challenge you and the land owner should be aware that there may be liability issues including contravening Health and Safety Laws.
  • Most DO NOT comply with basic EU safety regulations. These vehicles are often only sold from unreliable sources with no sales back up or access to spare parts. They can reach speeds in excess of 30mph and riders have died as a consequence of using them.
  • However, there are mini motor vehicles available that have been built to the required standards but still only for use on private land.

Under current legislation the police have a number of powers to seize and destroy mini-motos, if they are being used irresponsibly. Mini-motos and Go-peds can be seized by the police under Section 59 of the Police Reform Act 2002.

Paul Cheshire who is the North Wales Bikesafe Co-ordinator has been visiting schools to talk to youngsters regarding the dangers associated with Mini-motos and go-peds. He said: “As a parent at this time of year, consideration to choosing a child’s present with originality, cost and something they would be impressed with is on all of our minds.

“It is understandable that buying a mini moto or Go Ped is tempting, however, they are not toys and some are capable of reaching speeds in excess of 30mph.

“I would hate to think of any young person being seriously injured or even killed as a consequence of having had one of these for Christmas. In many circumstances the law provides us with the power to seize and subsequently destroy them. To minimise the chance of someone being killed or seriously injured we will use those powers when ever we can.”

Superintendent Gary Ashton from the Force’s Operational Services Group re-iterated the message. He said: “I would urge parents not to buy mini-motos or go-peds. They are dangerous as many fail to meet even the most basic safety regulations.

“Parents need to be aware of the law surrounding the machines and the potential nuisance they can cause in the community when ridden illegally in public places.

He added: “Mini motos are not designed to be driven on the roads or footpaths. Irresponsible use of them is extremely hazardous and can have serious consequences both for the rider and members of the public. Speed and any inappropriate use of these vehicles could end up with someone getting seriously injured or even killed.”

If you would like further advice or guidance with regards to mini-motos, click here, or contact North Wales Police on 101.


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