Minister champions the role of regional governments in battling climate change

The Environment Minister, Jane Davidson, was in Paris last week to discuss the vital role that regional governments have to play in battling climate change.

The Minister attended a high level summit in her capacity as Co-Chair of nrg4SD (network of regional governments for sustainable development ) and  met Environment Ministers from throughout Europe and beyond who have re-declared their commitment to working in partnership with other regions as part of their continuing efforts to reduce carbon emissions.

The Paris meeting is the first official meeting of Regions and Federated States. It follows the Copenhagen Climate Change Summit which saw the Welsh Assembly Government securing recognition for  regional government actions on climate change and praise for the climate change activities and policies in Wales.

Speaking before the meeting, the Minister said:

“I believe we can achieve a huge amount in our battle against climate change through joint regional working.

“Today’s meeting will enable us to build on our achievements in Copenhagen where we were successful in securing world recognition of the importance of regional governments in tackling climate change. We can now move forward both collectively and individually to influence and drive the climate change agenda.

“Although the final Copenhagen declaration did not produce the fair, ambitious and legally binding deal that the world needs, we must regard it as a starting point and focus positively on next steps. Regions and States are ready to act and act collectively.”

Other regions represented at the meeting included California, Quebec, Aragon, the Basque Country, Bavaria, Baden Wurttemberg, Brittany, Catalonia, Ile de France, North Rhine Westphalia, Rhone Alpes, Scotland, Tuscany and Wallonia.


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