Minister Says Major Drive Needed to Boost Diversity in Local Government

Lesley_GriffithsLocal Government and Government Business Minister, Lesley Griffiths AM, said yesterday that a cross party drive was needed to encourage greater diversity amongst Councillors in Local Authorities across Wales.

The Minister was speaking during a debate on the report of the Expert Group on Local Government Diversity published earlier this month.

The Expert Group made several recommendations aimed at improving numbers of young people, women, people from ethnic minorities, LGBT people and people with disabilities standing for election to Local Government, including:

  • agreeing a target with political parties of 40% female candidates in winnable seats  at the next elections ;
  • creating a mentoring scheme where existing Members help potential future Members to develop the necessary skills and knowledge; and
  • delivering a publicity and education campaign to inform the public about Local Government and to ensure the idea of becoming active in Local Government is carried into the community.

The Minister said: “The report calls on each political party to commit themselves to selecting female candidates in at least 40% of seats they consider winnable at the next local elections. This is much more ambitious than just 40% of all candidates.

“I am happy to make a public commitment my party will sign up to this target.

“I have met with the three opposition party leaders in the Assembly and was encouraged to hear of the work already being done by political parties in relation to increasing diversity.

The Minister also announced she is planning to build a network of Councillors across Wales from under-represented groups whose experience will help focus work to achieve the best results.

Lesley Griffiths added: “Local Government is at the frontline of providing everyday services for our communities.  It is at Local Government level we most need to achieve diversity and representation in our Councils to reflect the local communities they serve.”


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