Minister welcomes progress in services, but cuts will bite warn leaders

Continued progress across social services has today been recognised by the Deputy Minister Gwenda Thomas AM, in a speech to the social care sector at the National Social Services Conference in Llandudno.

Outlining how services will need to transform in these challenging times she said “the history of social services under devolution is one in which we can take great pride. Much has been done to grip challenges, to improve the citizen focus and quality for our services.”

The conference provides leaders from the sector with the first opportunity since the emergency budget, to debate the impact of public sector cuts, which could be in excess of £100 million over three years.

Cllr John Dixon, Deputy WLGA spokesperson for Social Services said “I am delighted that the Minister has recognised the significant work underway to deliver high quality services. Councils are facing unprecedented financial challenges, service pressures are growing, yet the resources available to deliver them are becoming increasingly finite.”

“We are committed to meeting the challenges we face and I welcome her announcement of a new white paper on social services as a step forward in supporting services through such critical times.”

President of ADSS Cymru, Bruce McLernon said “The conference is an important opportunity for delegates from across social services to discuss how best to address the financial situation we now face, and meet efficiency targets, whilst ensuring service users still receive high quality services.”

He added “We welcome the reviews commissioned by the Deputy Minister which will provide a blueprint for a future sustainable service and will help to ensure that the right balance of regulation, inspection and improvement is struck in Wales”

Delegates at the conference will focus on how to continue the transformation of social services in the light of severe cuts in public spending, and how together we can shape distinct and sustainable future for social services in Wales.

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