Moelfre RNLI Lifeboat launches to assist a stricken yacht

The Moelfre RNLI Lifeboat ‘Robert and Violet’ was launched yesterday (7th July) to a 10 metre yacht with five persons on board who had fouled their rudder on a rope from a string of lobster pots half a mile off point Lynas.

The yacht was on passage from Holyhead to Port Dinorwic when the incident happened.

When the Moelfre RNLI Lifeboat arrived on the scene two volunteer RNLI Lifeboat crew transferred from the Lifeboat onto the yacht, which was unable to steer because of the tangled rope, and attempted to free the rudder with a cutting tool from the Lifeboat.

Following several attempts the rope was finally freed by dragging a weighted line beneath the vessel to snag the fouling rope. It was then discovered that the rope had damaged its steering gear; therefore the Moelfre RNLI Lifeboat towed the yacht into Amlwch Port where the Moelfre Coastguard unit was waiting.

RNLI Lifeboat Spokesman Dave Massey said: ‘The yachts crew were all very experienced sailors and had all the correct emergency and safety equipment on board, when the RNLI Lifeboat arrived on the scene it was blowing force 6 to 7 and there was a very strong tide running which made the task of cutting the rope free very difficult.’


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