Monmouthshire Chairman’s Charity Funds Provide a Poost for Wales Air Ambulance and St David’s Hospice Care

Air Ambulance Wales – from left to right: former Chairman’s consort John Powell, Mervyn Thomas, Councillor Maureen Powell and Medeline

Air Ambulance Wales – from left to right: former Chairman’s consort John Powell, Mervyn Thomas, Councillor Maureen Powell and Medeline

Representatives of two renowned charities attended County Hall in Usk on Wednesday 30th October to receive funds collected in aid of Monmouthshire’s past chairman’s appeal.  County councillor Maureen Powell selected St David’s Hospice Care and the Wales Air Ambulance as her chosen charities during her term of office (May 2012 to May 2013) and she was delighted to pass on cheques worth nearly £3,000 to each organisation.

Kris Broome of St David’s Hospice Care said: “We are extremely grateful to receive the support of Cllr Powell during her term in office and the funds raised will help us to maintain our free services to local patients – and their families – who suffer from cancer and other life-threatening illnesses”.  St David’s Hospice Care operates across the former county of Gwent and runs 38 charity shops and a weekly lottery while also organising events like sponsored bike rides, coffee mornings and abseiling from tall buildings.  St David’s requires £7m each year to carry out its work.

Representing the Wales Air Ambulance organisation were volunteers Mervyn and Madeline Thomas of Gwernesney near Usk who raise funds through talks, street collections and attendance agricultural shows and similar occasions.  Mervyn said: “We very much appreciate that Cllr Powell adopted us as a nominated charity during her twelve months in office.  The amount raised will allow the Wales Air Ambulance to continue to save lives in danger”.

Cllr Powell commented; “Both charities perform valuable work and I’m very pleased that we were able to raise so much for such worthwhile causes.  My sincere thanks go to all those who helped and contributed towards raising funds”.


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