Monmouthshire confirms the streets the Olympic Flame will be carried along

Monmouthshire County Council has today confirmed the roads that will close to allow the Olympic Flame to enter Wales and travel through Monmouth, Raglan and Abergavenny on 25th May 2012. The Authority has issued maps showing the road closures and the times. This information will be posted on line next week.

The actual street level route of the torch will be confirmed at 7.30am on Monday 19th March by LOCOG (the London 2012 organising committee). Full information about the range of events that will take place in Monmouthshire to mark the Olympic Flame’s visit can be found via the council’s web site – Also announced on Monday are the names of some of the people who’ll be carrying the Olympic Flame as it travels through the UK. This includes Danielle Seivwright, who’ll carry the torch for part of its journey through Raglan.

Danielle said:

“I’m really proud to have been chosen as a torchbearer and am delighted that I’ll be running through Raglan. This is an event for everybody and I hope that as many people make the most of the opportunity of seeing the Olympic Torch pass through Monmouthshire and on into the rest of Wales.”

Monmouthshire County Council’s Chairman, Cllr Brian Hood MBE said:

Monmouthshire is proud not only to be welcoming the Olympic Torch to Monmouthshire, but to Wales. Plans are well advanced for us to ensure that our communities are ready to host the Torch as it makes its journey through our beautiful county. And there is a huge range of other events before, during and after what’s set to be an amazing day for Monmouthshire and Wales.”

He added:

“We’re looking forward to welcoming the people who come to carry the Torch through Monmouthshire, those who come to watch them and the countless millions of people around the world who’ll watch the Torch come into Wales through Monmouthshire and see for themselves the warmth of our welcome , the beauty of our towns and countryside and our pride and welcoming the torch to our beautiful county and country.”

The streets where the London 2012 Olympic Torch Relay will travel can be viewed in full at This gives street-by-street details and proposed start times for when the Olympic Flame will travel through Monmouthshire. Residents living in and around Monmouth, Raglan and Abergavenny can find out when it will be travelling along their nearest high street, through their town square or past their local village shop.

The torchbearers confirmed to carry the Flame on Monday include those who were successful through the public nomination processes run by LOCOG and the presenting partners, Coca Cola, Lloyds TSB and Samsung. LOCOG has endeavoured to slot all community torchbearers within an hour of their nomination address so family and friends can cheer them on. Each torchbearer will wear a white and gold uniform designed by Adidas.

Sebastian Coe, Chair of LOCOG added:

‘Today we bring the Olympic Torch Relay to life. The Flame symbolises the Olympic spirit and its journey around the UK will bring the excitement of the Games to our streets. Now the people know the route the Olympic Flame will be carried along and the torchbearers for their community, they can start planning how they might  celebrate and make it Monmouthshire’s moment to shine.’


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