Monmouthshire Council’s Youth Service Work Recognised with Major Award

MonmouthshireMonmouthshire County Council’s Youth Service is celebrating the award of the new Education Training Standards (ETS) Wales Quality Mark after becoming the first organisation to receive this accolade. 

The ETS Wales Quality Mark is conferred upon bodies able to demonstrate accountability and continuous improvement.

The awarding panel, comprising youth work peers from across Wales, was chaired by Steve Drowley, a senior lecturer on Cardiff Metropolitan University’s Youth and Community Work degree course. The panel scrutinised and evaluated Monmouthshire’s Youth Service across five key areas: policy and planning, curriculum, workforce development, young people’s development and quality assurance.

A rigorous inspection involved the panel visiting the Engage to Change (E2C) Youth Council and meeting members of staff from across the Youth Service.  The panel commended the service and its staff for their commitment, passion, honesty and openness.

Monmouthshire’s cabinet member for Schools and Learning, C Cllr Liz Hacket Pain said: “This award is a wonderful achievement for Monmouthshire and a testament to the work that our Youth Service undertakes with the county’s young people”.

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