Monmouthshire County Council to Support Apprenticeship Scheme

Monmouthshire County Council’s Cabinet is to discuss supporting a Shared Apprenticeship Scheme between its community interest company, CMC2 and Melin Homes, a leading Gwent social landlord. This would be done through investing up to £100,000 to underwrite an overdraft to allow the project to start.

The scheme would benefit young people between the ages of 16 and 19 and would be delivered through a Special Purpose Vehicle company.

Marilyn Maidment, Monmouthshire County Council’s People Development Manager, said:
“This is an excellent scheme and if Cabinet agrees to it, it will not only create new opportunities for our young people but strengthen the already excellent partnership between ourselves and Melin Homes. The economic downturn is creating problems for young people who wish to find work. Schemes like this enable local public service providers to play their part in helping those young people and by doing that strengthen the communities they live in.”

The Cabinet meeting takes place at 2pm on Wednesday 18th July in Shire Hall, Monmouth. The report can be seen here

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