Monmouthshire County Council to Tender Domiciliary Care Services

As a key part of our drive to improve the quality and cost effectiveness of services for vulnerable people, Monmouthshire County Council is currently tendering for privately purchased domiciliary care services (sometimes known as personal care or home care). The independent sector supplies most domiciliary care for adults in Monmouthshire with in-house provision catering only for a small amount of cases, either through re-ablement or specialist dementia care.

The first stage of this process is now complete with all applicants measured on their technical and financial ability. Eleven providers have passed the initial questionnaire and will be taken to the next stage for their quality and cost to be assessed. Contracts will finally be awarded in March.

Service users will continue to receive care which should be as good if not better than previously offered. They anticipate that wherever possible the same carer will continue to provider care even if the organisation changes.

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