Monmouthshire County Council unveils grand plans for county’s schools

At a special cabinet meeting held on Wednesday 8th December, Monmouthshire County Council unveiled grand plans to revolutionise the county’s schools under the 21st Century Schools Initiative.

All Welsh local authorities are expected to make a bid for funding to the Welsh Assembly under the initiative by 10th December 2010, and Monmouthshire aims for maximum impact.

Andy Keep, Chief Officer for Children and Young People explains:

“Our vision is for an approach to teaching that is shaped by the local communities in which our schools are based. It will be tested and trialled in a way that transforms current best practice into the next practice required for the 21st century.

“At its heart is learning that is designed to be flexible, independent and personal, with teaching that is innovative and inspirational, with both supported by an environment that is rich in leading-edge technology.

“The purpose of our vision is the fundamental shift in standards to a level that is recognised as world leading and with a dramatic impact on the life chances of our children and young people and the future of our communities.”

Councillor Liz Hacket Pain, Cabinet Member for Children and Young People said:

“Education is something that we do very well in Monmouthshire but we can never be complacent. We have a duty to put the needs of our learners at the heart of these plans and that is exactly what we’ve done.

“These plans aren’t just about providing new schools, they are about the securing the future of our children and young people. Time will tell if we have been successful in our bid but either way we have made a commitment, as a council, to maximise learning opportunities for all.”

Highlights of Monmouthshire’s programme include:

Development of four brand new community campuses on the four secondary school sites. Caldicot School would be the first secondary school to be rebuilt under the plans.
An overhaul of the whole authority’s school ICT provision enabling every school, student, teacher and parent access to modern and innovative technologies.

All developments to be undertaken with a strong focus on sustainability with minimum impact on the environment.

The overall programme spans a period of nine years, commencing in 2012/13. The estimated cost of the programme, that covers the entire school estate, amounts to £209m.


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