Monmouthshire County Council welcomes BBC documentary

Monmouthshire County Council (MCC) has welcomed a BBC documentary that looked at how the authority is handling the current economic pressures and its move to a new headquarters.  The “Week In Week Out” documentary was broadcast on 30th January.  The BBC crew had spent seven months at the council and were given access to all areas of the council’s operations, including social services.

Cllr Peter Fox, Leader of Monmouthshire County Council, said: “This was a good documentary, which showed MCC and local government as a whole in a very good light.  I would have liked to see more about how we are leading the way in Wales in new working practices, greater flexibility and budgetary responsibility.  But I have to say that anybody who watched that programme would have seen a council that’s fully rising to the challenge of reduced budgets, greater demand on services and the move to new buildings.”

He added: “It’s easy for some people to criticise public servants.  But last night we saw council officers out gritting roads at all hours, protecting our most vulnerable people, improving our schools, helping business and finding ways to make limited funds go further.  We all saw that in the programme, but I and the people of Monmouthshire see it every day and I’m sure they’ll join me in thanking all the people that work tirelessly to deliver great public services.”


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