Monmouthshire gets go ahead for two green projects

Two Monmouthshire-based projects have successfully obtained funding from the Local Energy Assessment Fund (LEAF), a UK government grant scheme that encourages environmentally-friendly schemes.  Only seven other Welsh schemes received the go-ahead.

Over £10,000 has been awarded to Monmouthshire Community Climate Champions to hold an Eco Open Doors weekend from 17/18th March.  The event, to be held during Climate Week, aims to open to visitors up to 30 properties with retrofitted insulation, low energy lighting, renewable energy, rainwater harvesting and other eco features.  Properties will mainly be homes, but it is hoped to include some village halls and businesses.  Visitors will witness the eco technologies first hand and have the opportunity to ask property owners about installation and costs before considering purchasing their own systems.

People with energy saving measures in their homes who would like to take part or would like more information should contact Eco Open Doors Co-ordinator Sue Parkinson on 01989 770828 or [email protected] by Friday 3rd February.

Monmouthshire Community Climate Champions is a partnership between the county council, local transition towns, Friends of the Earth groups, town and community councils, the Severn Wye Energy Agency and others.  The Eco Open Doors weekend will be promoted through leaflets, local advertising, a website and Meet the Installer events across the county where local insulation and renewables installers will provide advice.  It is hoped that transport will be provided for those who need it.

Meanwhile, an award of £5,000 has been granted to Transition Monmouth to help reduce energy consumption in Monmouth’s Overmonnow area.  Working with the county council, housing associations and other partners, Transition Monmouth will examine the energy used by six properties and guide their occupiers towards reducing consumption.  The partnership is aiming for householders to share these energy reduction tips with friends and neighbours to illustrate how energy (and cash) can be saved by taking simple low cost steps.

Giles Howard, Cabinet Member for Culture and Environment said: “It is heartening that two of the nine successful bids in Wales for environmental projects will benefit the people of Monmouthshire.  The council is keen to do everything in its power to help the reduction of energy consumption.”


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