Monmouthshire library surveys reveal top marks for customer care and service

Two recent surveys have given the thumbs up to Monmouthshire’s libraries with 94% of adults considering their local library to be very good or good.  “Staff provide an excellent service and are always welcoming and helpful” was one of the many positive comments.  Nine out of ten children and young people awarded the service the highest possible rating.  Curtailed opening hours were one area where the public would like to see changes.

Library staff were praised for their excellent customer care and enquiry skills.  “The librarians are extremely helpful and efficient and provide an essential service for the local area”, wrote one user.

Libraries’ contribution to work and educational opportunities was highly valued by adults, with 30% saying that using the library had helped them with work, and 41% declaring it had lent a hand with their studies.  One in four said that library facilities had assisted with health issues, and 18% had found that using the library had helped with family and relationships.  Six out of ten children felt that frequenting the library had improved their reading.  One respondent said: “For more than twenty years my whole family has found library membership invaluable”.

Customers were also given the opportunity to suggest improvements and progress has already made to implement some of these.  The need to improve the free Internet service was mentioned by a number of users, and Wi-Fi will soon be available in all libraries.  Caldicot Library’s opening hours were also highlighted and a consultation process will soon take place to establish what improvements can be made.

Comments were made about Abergavenny Library’s cramped, limiting building and these will be resolved when the town’s new facility opens, offering more space and facilities.

Chepstow, the busiest library in Monmouthshire, is due to be refurbished with a £120,000 grant from CyMAL (Museums, Archives and Libraries Wales).  Work will be carried out over the summer and autumn and highlights include lots of new book displays, an improved layout for stock and flexible space for more activities, events and classes plus a designated area for teenagers.  The project will also create a welcoming library reading garden.

The two Public Library User Surveys – one for adults and one for children and young people – were commissioned by the council and analysed by CIPFA Social Research (the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy).

For more information about what Monmouthshire Library Service can offer you and your family, please contact your local library or log on to


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