Monmouthshire residents urged to report hate crime

Hate crime is defined specifically as “A criminal offence which is perceived, by the victim or any other person to be motivated by a hostility or prejudice based on a person’s actual or perceived disability, race, religion and belief, sexual orientation and transgender”.  It is often under-reported.

The Monmouthshire Equality and Diversity Group, which includes partners from Gwent Police, Monmouthshire County Council, South East Wales Regional Equality Council and HM Prison Service, recognises the importance of tackling incidents of hate crime within communities and is working to raise awareness.  Responsibility for this lies with its Hate Crime Sub-Group which aims to increase the reporting of hate crime, and also to help identify incidents that could be part of a wider pattern of abuse or could lead to more serious instances if left unchecked.

The Hate Crime group is linking with existing initiatives, carrying out promotional work and engaging with schools, communities and a variety of organisations.  The group has produced and distributed information cards which provide details of how to report hate crime, along with promotional material for events.

This promotional material was recently used by partners in Gwent Police who set up an information stand in the headquarters of Monmouthshire County Council and also at the “Keep Well This Winter” event held in Abergavenny.

Monmouthshire Equality and Diversity group member Andy Charles, Community Cohesion Officer with Gwent Police said: “The Monmouthshire Equality and Diversity Group is taking proactive steps to raise awareness of hate crime and incidents and the effects that this sort of incident has on the victim.

“We feel it is important that communities in Monmouthshire feel they have the full support of Gwent Police and the Monmouthshire Equality and Diversity Group if they were to fall victim to such a crime.

“We would encourage victims of all hate crimes and incidents to come forward and report such incidents whether to the police directly or by use of the Safer Wales reporting leaflet which can be found online on the Safer Wales website.

“All issues will be dealt with sensitivity and the victim will be offered support throughout the process should they require.”

Through the raising of awareness the group aims to improve reporting, allowing further information and knowledge to be collected and used to foster more effective measures to combat hate crime.

Hate crime can be reported by visiting and completing the confidential short self-reporting form, phoning 999 in an emergency, phoning 101 if it’s not an emergency or contacting Victim Support on 0845 612 1900.

For more information on the Monmouthshire Equality and Diversity Group please contact the county council’s Policy & Partnership Team on 01633 644238 or [email protected].

Photograph: County councillor Brian Hood MBE/ Andy Charles,  Community Cohesion Officer Gwent police/ Sue Boucher, Chair of the Equality and Diversity Communication sub group/ Sgt Chris O’Driscoll, Gwent police/ Council Leader Peter Fox, Chair of the Equality and Diversity Group campaigning against hate crime

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