Monmouthshire social worker wins national award

A Monmouthshire social worker who works with local children with disabilities has been awarded a prestigious national award at the British Association Social Work Cymru Social Work Awards 2011.

Samantha Francis won the Innovative Practice Award, last week for her work her work offering practical support to make family life more manageable when dealing with challenging behaviour associated specifically with Asperger Syndrome and autism.

Peter Inglis, from Monmouthshire County Council’s Children with Disabilities team, nominated Samantha:

“Samantha is a real role model.  She started work in residential childcare in 1997 and has grown to become a trusted member of the community who will always go ‘that extra mile’.

“Samantha has taken more training than is required of her role that has meant she is able to have a positive and impressive impact on the lives of the people she works with.

“Samantha encourages parents to look at the world through their children’s eyes and to understand how a young person with autism perceives the world. This leads to an understanding of their children’s feelings and why they behave the way they do.

“It lets parents share their experiences with other parents and empowers them to devise strategies amongst themselves to deal with the challenges they face.”

Councillor Geoff Burrows, Monmouthshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Social Care, said:

“We are so proud to have such a fantastic person shaping the lives of people here in Monmouthshire.  Samantha’s work reduces stress in families and has enabled the parents to have more constructive relationships with families.

“Giving families appropriate help in the early stages following a diagnosis equips them better for the future and helps to avoid the likelihood of their children having to move to inappropriate, and expensive, placements later in their lives.”

Samantha said: “I’m delighted to receive the award and I think it’s great to see that the work social workers do is valued and supported.”

Photograph: Samantha Francis with her award

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