Monmouthshire’s Council Agrees Planning Application Advice Service

MonmouthshireMonmouthshire’s planners are to introduce a formal Pre-Application Planning Advice Service after the council’s cabinet members agreed the proposal at its Usk headquarters on March 5th.

The Welsh Government regards pre-application discussions as being beneficial to the planning process and recommends that councils recover their costs for the service.  Its guidelines state: “well managed pre-application discussions are an important part of the planning process.  They can improve the quality of applications and help to reduce the time taken to deal with a formal application”.

Pre-application discussions are a discretionary service but the council encourages applicants to talk over their proposals with planners as early as possible.  Planners in Monmouthshire have historically liaised with applicants on an informal and ad hoc level but after seeking feedback from customers, agents and developers over the last few months, they have developed a bespoke and unique service based on their requirements.

The service has been formulated around customers’ wishes that it should be simple to understand and customers indicated that they would be willing to pay for a service that would advise them on their development proposals and guide them through the planning process.  Any charges should be transparent and proportional to the planning application fee and scale of development.

The customer will choose the level of service though the case officer will advise if they think another level will be beneficial.  They will be able to meet a planning officer on site, if appropriate and have access to other experts such as highway engineers depending on the level of service they request.  There will be a single point of contact for the whole process and the customer will be provided with a formal written report detailing the council’s views, suggestions to improve the scheme and guidance on proceeding with the application.

The initiative will be continually reviewed and feedback sought from customers on their experience of the new service.

Cabinet Member with responsibility for Development Control, Councillor Giles Howard said: “The new Pre-Application Planning Advice Service will help customers and the council.  The new procedure will save time and resources for officers while customers will receive prompt and relevant advice.  In addition, the improved quality of applications should help to reduce the time taken in the planning process.”

For further details log onto the council’s website:


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