Montgomeryshire Mp Meets Network Rail To Discuss Nightime Disturbance

Glyn Davies, Montgomeryshire’s Conservative MP has met with representatives of Network Rail at Fron (between Welshpool and Forden) to discuss night noise disturbance associated with improvements to the Cambrian Line track. Glyn Davies was responding after a meeting with residents who have been protesting about inconsiderate behaviour by Network Rail employees as carrying out night work.

Commenting after meeting Network Rail officials, and both seeking and receiving assurances that future essential work would be carried out with greater consideration for residents, Glyn Davies said:

“I accept that Network Rail con only complete some track maintenance and improvement work during the night, when trains are not running.  It’s inevitable that there will be some disturbance, but it must be minimised. Network Rail accepts that there may have been some occasions when there has been a lack of consideration for residents, and have assured me that everything possible will be done to reduce any future disturbance to a minimum.

“Its also the case that the area around the track at this point is extremely untidy, and that it has a negative impact on the environment of residents living nearest to the crossing.  However I was reassured by the willingness of Network Rail to acknowledge the legitimacy of concerns, and commitment to improve the position as soon as possible. I hope my meeting with Network Rail will lead to a greater consideration towards residents of the area.”

Photograph: Ian Smyth, Maintenance Protection Coordinator, Network Rail; Glyn Davies MP; Liam Bateman, Community Relations, Network Rail
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