Montgomeryshire MP Supports Cold Homes Week

Glyn Davies MPGlyn Davies, Conservative MP for Montgomeryshire, recently attended the ‘Cold Homes Week’ in Parliament in order to support the Energy Bill Revolution campaign.

The Energy Bill Revolution is a campaign which has brought together almost 180 organisations, charities and companies to call on the UK Government to help those in cold homes, by providing more support to insulation and energy efficiency schemes. The campaign’s Cold Homes Week held a series of events in Westminster designed to highlight the energy inefficiency of many UK homes, and the effects they have on their inhabitants.

Recent fuel poverty figures show that in Wales fuel poverty has increased by 13% since 2013. 1 in 4 families in Wales are fuel poor, meaning that they cannot afford to keep their homes warm at a reasonable price.

Commenting on the event, Glyn Davies MP said:

“It is vital that a lasting solution to fuel poverty in the UK is needed, and the most effective way is to stop homes leaking heat.

“The Cold Homes Week highlighted to me that many of the UK’s houses are terribly energy inefficient, which in turn is increasing energy costs for consumers. An example of the benefits of better housing is Sweden, where incomes and fuel prices are broadly similar to the UK, but more energy efficient houses means fewer people cannot afford to heat their homes.

“Increased Government support to insulation and energy efficiency schemes will not only help to cut energy prices, but will also greatly lessen the impact of fuel poverty for families from across the UK.”

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