More Research on Wind Turbine Noise ‘Vital’ says AM

Montgomeryshire Assembly Member, Russell George, said he was pleased that the Assembly’s Petition’s Committee was going to commission more research on the noise nuisance from onshore wind turbines.

Mr George, who is a member of the National Assembly’s Petitions Committee, put forward the suggestion of further research during today’s meeting (15 November) following the significant number of public responses to the Committees consultation on this issue.

Descriptions of the noise provided to the Committee by those living near turbines ranged from ‘pounding’, ‘humming’, ‘growling’ and ‘whining’, through to a noise which was deemed, ‘unbearable to live with’.

The majority of the members of the public who responded to the consultation reported that the noise ‘regularly disrupts their sleep’ leading to stress, depression and health concerns.

Commenting during the Committee’s meeting, Mr George said:

“We know as a Committee that guidance within TAN 8, which assesses and rates noise from wind farms, sets out noise levels within which a turbine must operate in order to protect public health.

“These guidelines state that wind turbine noise will be audible to some neighbours and at times may be ‘very audible.’

“However, these guidelines have not been reviewed in well over a decade and in that time, the height and size of turbines have increased, which could well have an impact on noise levels emitted.

“I seriously think we need further research on this issue because as we have seen from many of concerns raised from the public, noise from turbines is not just a nuisance, it is having a huge impact on people’s daily lives and on their health and wellbeing.

“I also stand by my call to have a moratorium on all wind farm applications until a thorough review of TAN 8 is completed.”

The Committee also agreed to undertake a site visit early in the New Year, to hear the noise impact of an onshore wind farms for themselves.


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