Motorists in Aberbargoed warned to keep items out of view

Motorists in Aberbargoed are being encouraged to take extra care with their security, following a recent increase in vehicles being stolen, broken into or damaged. Vehicles that contain items left on display have especially been targeted  – with 7 vehicles recently being broken into.

PCSO Eve Churchward said: “We are seeing see far too many vehicles with valuables on view. We want to encourage drivers to keep these items out of view or even better, take them out of the car. The majority of offences are taking place overnight or on the weekends – with the warmer weather approaching, items such as sunglasses, CDs and coats left on rear seats are tempting to opportunist thieves.”

PSCO Eve Churchward has the following advice for motorists:

Every time you leave your vehicle unattended:

  • Lock the vehicle and close all windows
  • Set your alarm or immobiliser, if you have one
  • Remove all items and property that are left on view, including pull-out or face-off radios
  • Remove satellite navigation devices and their holders
  • Remove the marks that are often left behind by satellite navigation holders on windscreens – this is often how thieves can tell there is one in the vehicle
  • Don’t leave your satellite navigation device in the glove compartment or under the seat – take it with you
  • Keep your keys in a safe place and never leave them in the ignition

If you have any information relating to vehicle crime in Bargoed or are interested in setting up a neighbourhood watch for your area, then please contact the Bargoed Neighbourhood Policing Team on 02920 857 455.


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