MP Discusses Wrexham Prison Proposals with Chief Inspector

424px-Ian_LucasWrexham MP Ian Lucas has met with the Chief Inspector of Prisons to discuss the proposed Wrexham prison.

Mr Lucas met with Nick Hardwick, the Chief Inspector, in Westminster this week for a wide-ranging meeting about the Ministry of Justice’s proposals and the current prison estate. Among the issues discussed were concerns about privately-run HMP Oakwood and how an incremental approach to prison populations could be trialled during the opening of the premises.

The Ministry of Justice have also provided a written answer to Mr Lucas setting out some further details about the prison proposals this week. The answer suggest the Ministry is hoping to appoint a contractor to build the prison imminently, and that it is hoped to be operational by 2017; it also confirms Ministers have still not decided if the prison will be run in the public or private sector.

Mr Lucas said:

“My personal preference would be for the prison to be publicly run, something which I discussed with the Chief Inspector during our meeting. One of the reasons I asked to meet with Mr Hardwick was that I have concerns about privately-run prisons, such as HMP Oakwood, and I wanted to hear his views on how to avoid some of the difficulties which were experienced there.

“Our conservation was illuminating, and the importance of an incremental approach towards opening the facility – rather than starting it at full capacity – became clear. I will be writing to the Ministry of Justice to ask their views on such an approach imminently.”


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