MP Launches NW Association for Multicultural Integration

Wales Office Minister, David Jones MP (Clwyd West), last Friday launched the North Wales Association for Multicultural Integration (NWAMI).

The event, at Colwyn Bay Town Hall, was hosted by the Mayor, Cllr Hazel Meredith, and attended by NWAMI’s founder, Cllr Sibani Roy, Mr Jitendra Kumar, First Secretary (Culture and Community) at the Indian High Commission and Prof Charlotte Williams of Keele University.

David Jones said:

“The formation of NWAMI is a positive step in encouraging integration among the many ethnic and religious groups that now live in North Wales.  I particularly welcome the fact that it is a community initiative, born of the determination of local people to help improve personal relations; as such, it accords entirely with the Big Society agenda.

“In an increasingly globalised world, where the threat of terrorism stokes up resentment among communities, there is a danger that people will resort to living separate lives, mistrustful of people of different backgrounds.

“That would not be good for the health of our country and I am therefore delighted that NWAMI has been founded; it will do much to foster positive relations among people in North Wales.”


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