Mumbles lifeboat launches to 16ft boat in shipping channel

As darkness was falling across Swansea Bay on Saturday night (17 July), Mumbles lifeboat was scrambled following an urgent Mayday message from a stranded 16ft fishing boat.

The vessel had lost power and was drifting across the entrance to the outer marker of the shipping channel into Swansea Docks.

Chris Jeffries from Mumbles lifeboat crew said: ‘The engine was over-heating and it wouldn’t run long enough to help them against the rough sea and strong wind. When we arrived they had drifted across the channel and were on their way to drifting onto the beach. We took the vessel in tow and returned them to Swansea Marina.’

Tim Conway, RNLI Lifeboat Operations Manager at The Mumbles said: ‘ A Mayday call is very serious and the casualty vessel fortunately had the good sense to carry a VHF radio and call us before they got into serious trouble. If any one is in doubt over whether they have the correct sea safety equipment on board then we offer a completely free Sea Safety Check for all boat owners, just call us at the boat house on 01792 361 268.

‘The RNLI is totally dependant on contributions from the public and receives no government funding. 2009 was our busiest year to date and we need the support of the public in raising money.’

The RNLI has set a £150,000 fundraising target over the next three years towards a new £2.7m Tamar class lifeboat for Mumbles. The Tamar lifeboats are the most advanced vessels operated by the RNLI, providing all weather rescue capabilities and will replace the current Tyne class rescue boat that currently serves Mumbles.


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