Music Open Day at Cardiff City Hall

A free event to present the work of the Cardiff County and Vale of Glamorgan Music Service’s music development team will be held next week.

The music development open day will take place at City Hall on Friday July 15, 10am to 3pm.

The day will include live performances from schools including The Hollies Ukelele band, St Cuthbert’s and St Mary the Virgin primary schools, and the chance to take part in free world music workshops and also meet members of the music development team.

Visitors to the open day will be able to find out more about the Rock and Pop, whole class instrumental and vocal projects run by the team as well as learning about music technology in the primary classroom.

Anyone interested in attending the workshops should email Emma Coulthard at: [email protected] as places are limited. Everyone is welcome to watch the musical performances.

Executive Member for Education and Lifelong Learning, Cllr Freda Salway, said: “The Music Development team do some great work in schools. This open day is an opportunity for anyone interested to find out more about the team and take part in some of the free musical activities.”


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