National Specials weekend

Members of the public who devote their spare time and personal skills to North Wales Police will be recognised this weekend.

The Force’s Special Constabulary will be recognised as part of the National Specials Weekend which is being held on Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th February.

The aim of the nationwide weekend is to raise awareness of the vital and valuable work carried out by volunteer police officers, and the ongoing contribution its members make to policing within their communities.

As part of the nationally organised Specials Weekend, the theme for this year is Roads Policing, and officers from the Force’s Special Constabulary will be working closely with regular officers carrying out police operations that address road traffic issues – such as carrying out checks on motorists’ speed, that seatbelts are being worn, mobile phone usage, driving whilst under the influence of alcohol and assisting with ANPR operations.

Janet Hewitt, Special Constabulary Co-ordinator for North Wales Police said: “Special Constables undertake valuable policing work within communities, but it is not only the locality that benefits from the work of officers. It is a two way process. Individuals joining can develop a whole range of skills including communication, self-confidence, teamwork and initiative. What is more the community also benefits from an increased police presence.”

North Wales Police currently has 173 Special Constables spread across the force area however the force is keen to increase this number by recruiting more local people to join.

Janet Hewitt added: “We are really keen to encourage local people to get involved with policing their local community and the National Specials Weekend gives us the ideal opportunity to show the people of North Wales what we do and how, by getting involved, they too can make a positive difference.”

If you are interested in becoming a Special Constable visit the North Wales Police website, www.north-wales.police and follow the link to the Recruitment Section.

Alternatively send an email to or call 01492 804699.

  • As a Special Constable you will work alongside regular officers, and will be expected to commit at least four hours service a week.
  • Being a Special Constable is a great way to give something back to your community, develop new skills or learn what being a police officer is really like.
  • As a Special Constable you will be given training and a uniform, and have all the powers and authority of regular officers.

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