Neath School And Social Care Funding Protected

Funding for schools and social care in Neath has been protected in the Welsh Government’s provisional budget for councils.

In total Neath Port Talbot will be allocated £197,182,000 for 2012-13, an increase of £650,000 on this year’s settlement. Nationally, local authorities will receive more than £4billion through the Revenue Support Grant.

Gwenda Thomas, AM for Neath, said it was important that Neath Port Talbot was forensic in making sure the most vulnerable households are prioritised and that no public money goes to waste.

She said: “At a time when communities across Neath are being hit by the savage cuts implemented by the Tory-led Westminster Government, Welsh Labour is doing all it can to protect those most vulnerable in society.

“That is why we have decided to protect social care as there is considerable pressure on services during these difficult times.

“Welsh Labour wants to make sure children are given the best possible opportunity to flourish and reach their potential and that is why funding inside the settlement for schools will increase by £80 million over a four year period.”

Welsh Labour’s Local Government Minister Carl Sargeant said: “Despite the budget reductions imposed on Wales by the UK Government, protecting schools and social care continue to be top priorities for the Welsh Government.

“Both these services are, in the main, delivered by local authorities and the local government settlement for the coming years reflects this.”

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