New £600,000 pavilion opens its doors at Banna Park in Nantyglo

The sporting community of Nantyglo is celebrating the opening of a new £607,000 pavilion at Banna Park.

The new facility – funded by the Welsh Assembly Government’s HARPS Programme, Silent Valley En-Trust and Blaenau Gwent Council – is a complete rebuild of the old pavilion and offers new changing rooms, showers, toilets, kitchen and multi-use function room for community use.

Blaenau Gwent Mayor Cllr Brian Thomas officially opened the new pavilion joined by Council Deputy Leader and Nantyglo ward member Cllr John Mason and Executive Member for Leisure Cllr Jason Owen.

Nantyglo Rugby Club and Nantyglo Bowls Club are delighted with the new pavilion.

Brian Morgan, President of Nantyglo Bowls Club, said: “What a wonderful facility we have here in Nantyglo. We have people coming here from all over the country to play bowls and for them to come and see this is wonderful for Nantyglo and for Blaenau Gwent – it’s absolutely marvellous.”

Mike O’Dowd, Treasurer of Nantyglo Rugby Club said: “We are over the moon with these new facilities, they are second to none. We will be the envy of rugby teams across Wales. I would like to thank everyone involved.”

Councillor John Mason said: “This is a first class facility that will benefit the bowls and rugby clubs who are excellent ambassadors  for Nantyglo and the whole of Blaenau Gwent. We also hope it will create opportunities for even more people to get involved in sports and recreation activities in Nantyglo.”

The new pavilion was designed by the Technical Services division of Blaenau Gwent Council and built by Cowlin Construction Ltd.


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