New bike project at Hubberston

An innovative project at Pembrokeshire County Council’s Hubberston Youth Centre is providing new bikes and new skills for local children and young people.

The ‘Milford Youth Spokes Project’ recycles abandoned or unclaimed bikes that come into police possession.

A collaboration between the County Council’s Youth Service and the local Neighbourhood Policing Team, it has been funded by a Communities First grant with extra financial support from Milford Haven Port Authority and South Hook.

Youth workers and a local Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) teach participants how to repair and maintain the bikes, or if they are unsalvageable, they break down and keep the parts.

Those who don’t have a bike are then given one which has been repaired, while others who do have bikes are given the tools and taught the skills they need to fix or maintain them.

The project attracts young people aged between 11 and 19 from not only Hubberston, but also Hakin, Milford Haven and St Ishmaels.

It is hoped that, in due course, young people will take the lead in running the scheme. For those who take a keen interest, it is anticipated that they will have accredited learning opportunities in cycling safety and maintenance, as well as wider business skills.

Although it’s only been up and running a few weeks, the project is already a success according to Nick Hudd, Community Youth Worker for the County Council.

“It’s both an activity and a service,” he said. “If they don’t have their own bike, we give them one for free. If they need to fix their own bike, we provide them with free parts and spares. We have all the equipment they need and we can teach them all the skills too – from fixing a puncture to repairing the brakes.”

The weekly project is just one of many projects that Milford Neighbourhood Policing Team facilitate in collaboration with the youth centre.

Chief Inspector Steve Matchett said: “It’s great to support an initiative like this, which encourages young people to do something constructive in their spare time and who knows – Pembrokeshire just might produce the next Chris Hoy!”

With the funds they have received, they have bought ten new bikes, cycling helmets, a bike trailer, safety equipment and clothing, in order to offer regular, safe organised rides both locally and nationally.

Nick said they are planning a major fundraising ride in the summer.

“We intend to complete a sponsored bike ride from Milford Haven to Cardiff to raise additional funds for the project,” he said.

“We will be taking around 10 young people along the Celtic Trail, a designated cycle route between Milford and the Severn Bridge, stopping off at youth hostels on the way.”

Councillor Peter Morgan, Cabinet Member for Communities and Partnerships, said he was very impressed by the initiative.

“I think it’s wonderful – what a great idea,” he said. “The kids love it, they are learning practical skills and getting something out of it. I think it’s going to go from strength to strength.”

If you have a bike – in any condition – which you would like to donate to the Milford Youth Spokes Project, please contact Nick Hudd on 01646 693216.

Photograph: Young people from the Milford Youth Spokes Project with (left to right) Nick Hudd, Keith Williams (Health & Safety Officer at South Hook), PCSO Adam Goy, Councillor Peter Morgan, and Claire Palmer (Milford Haven Port Authority).

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