New Director for Commercialisation and Consultancy Services at Aberystwyth University

Aberystwyth University has appointed Mrs Liz Flint as the new Director of Commercialisation and Consultancy Services (CCS).

As the University’s Knowledge Exchange office, CCS provides a gateway for external organisations looking to engage with the University.  The department works closely with colleagues across the institution together with external organisations to champion knowledge exchange opportunities and support and develop commercial partnerships.

Speaking of her appointment Liz said: “I am delighted to take up this position at a time when higher education and business collaboration, engagement and the impact of research are increasingly important drivers.  Aberystwyth has a proven track record of working with businesses, both locally and internationally and I look forward to working with colleagues to further strengthen and develop our partnerships with business, industry and the professions in the future.”

Professor Aled Jones, Senior Pro Vice-Chancellor commented: “I am extremely pleased that Liz has been appointed as Director of CCS and I wish her well in leading the Department.”

Liz joined the University in 2006 as Business Development Manager for the WISE Network (Welsh Institute for Sustainable Environments) and most recently held the position of Acting Director, CCS.

A Chartered Engineer, Liz moved into university business development and knowledge exchange after 5 years as a mechanical engineer carrying out R&D in the gas turbine industry at Alstom Power Technology Centre.  Prior to working at Aberystwyth she held a Business Development role at the University of Leicester.

Liz is currently Deputy Chair of the PraxisUnico training committee and a former Deputy Chair of the IMechE Professional Review Committee.

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