New exhibition at Gwynedd Museum and Art Gallery

A new and exciting exhibition, to be held at Bangor, will showcase the work of two artists who take inspiration by the people, landscape and essence of the areas in which they live.

The work of Luned Rhys Parri and Louise Payne will be shown at the Gwynedd Museum and Art Gallery in Bangor from 7 May until 18 June 2011.

The exhibition will be opened on Friday, 6 May at 7pm by Dr Jerry Hunter, writer, scholar and lecturer at Bangor University’s School of Welsh.

Delyth Gordon, Visual Art Officer for Gwynedd Council, said: “Here are artists that are inspired by the people, landscape and essence of the areas in which they live. The traditions and spirit belonging to these localities are deep rooted and each artist interprets this in their individual way.”

Luned Rhys Parri
The distinctive works in this exhibition by Luned Rhys Parri are a reflection of the artist’s upbringing and of the community in which she now lives and works. She employs a variety of media in her paper constructions to produce discerning images of a way of life which is fast disappearing from the scattered villages in Gwynedd.

Since graduating Luned has exhibited her work constantly and widely throughout Wales and England. She is much in demand to lead workshops and art classes for children and adults within the community and in education.

Louise Payne
This collection of new paintings is inspired by the natural environment surrounding Louise Payne’s studio in the Dysynni Valley. Her luminous works respond to the energies perceived whilst witnessing the drama and power of nature unfolding; a state of abundance, beauty and silent gratitude as spring arrives restoring harmony and awakening the soul.

Gwynedd Museum and Art Gallery is open Tuesday-Friday, 12.30-4.30pm; Saturday 10.30am-4.30pm. Admittance free.

For more information about all the exhibitions and events at the museum which is run by Gwynedd Council go to:


Photograph: A work by Louise Payne

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